To further simplify
the example, let us assume that the we want to use the certificate to encrypt
a message from the client to the service. It is easy to apply what we discuss
here to other scenarios.
As we discussed in
the previous post, we need to generate two certificates, the root certificate
that represents the Certificate Authority, and the certificate that represents
the identity of the client or service. We will also create a Certificate Revocation
List (CRL).
We will use a tool
called makeCert to generate our certificates. Makecert, which ships with the
.NET platform, allows you to build an
X509 certificate that can be used for development and testing. It does three
Generates a public and private key
It associates the key pair
with a name
It binds the name with the
public key.
Many of the
published examples use makecert to both create and install the certificate. We
will do the installation in a separate step because this approach is closer to
the use of real certificates.
Separating the certificates also allows the certificates to be
installed on many machines instead of just one. This makes distributing
certificates to developer machines much easier.
First we will
create the Root Certificate with the following command:
-sv RootCATest.pvk -r -n "CN=RootCATest" RootCATest.cer
-n specifies the
name for the root certificate authority. The convention is to prefix the name
with "CN=" where CN stands for "Common Name"
-r indicates that
the certificate will be a root certificate because it is self-signed.
-sv specifies the
file that contains the private key. The private key will be used for signing
certificates issued by this certificate authority. Makecert will ask you for a
password to protect the private key in the file.
The file
RootCATest.cer will just have the public key. It is in the Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) format. This
is the file that will be installed on machines as the root of the trust chain.
Next we will create
a certificate revocation list.
makecert -crl -n
"CN=RootCATest" -r -sv RootCATest.pvk RootCATest.crl
-crl indicates we
are creating a revocation list
-n is the name of
the root certificate authority
-r indicates that
this is the CRL for the root certificate, it is self-signed
-sv indicates the
file that contains the private key
RootCATest.crl is
the name of the CRL file.
At this point we
could install the root certificate, but we will wait until we finish with the
certificate we will use in our scenario.
Here we need two files. We will need a CER file for the client machine
so that we can install the public key associated with the service. Then we
will create a PKCS12 format file that
will be used to install the public and private key in the service.
The initial step is
makecert -ic
RootCATest.cer -iv RootCATest.pvk -n "CN=TempCert" -sv TempCert.pvk -pe -sky exchange TempCert.cer
-n specifies the
name for the certificate
-sv specifies the
file for the certificate. This must be unique for each certificate created. If
you try to reuse a name, you will get an error message .
-iv specifies the
name of the container file for the private key of the root certificate created
in the first step.
-ic specifies the
name of the root certificate file created in the first step
-sky specifies what
kind of key we are creating. Using the exchange option enables the certificate
to be used for signing and encrypting the message.
-pe specifies that
the private key is exportable and is included with the certificate. For
message security is this required because you need the corresponding private
The name of the CER
file for the certificate is specified at the end of the command.
Now we need to
create the PKCS12 file. We will use a the Software Publisher Certificate Test
Tool to create a Software Publisher's Certificate. You use this format to
create the PKCS12 file using the pvkimprt tool.
TempCert.cer TempCert.spc
pvkimprt -pfx
TempCert.spc TempCert.pvk
We now have four
The next step is to
install these on the appropriate machines. I could not get certmgr to work
properly to do an automated install.
The Winhttpcertcfg tool works for PKCS12 format files, but not CER
format files. We will use the MMC snap-in for this.
Run the mmc snapin
tool (type mmc in the Run menu). First we will open the Certificates
snap-in. Choose: Add/Remove Snap-In.