"Publication - is the Auction Of the Mind of Man" Emily Dickinson
Friday, September 29, 2006

David Chappell (http://www.davidchappell.com/HTML_email/Opinari_No16_8_06.html) argues that SOA may not foster the service reuse that everyone has been hoping for. I think his analysis is correct, but I think with business services we at least have a reasonable hope of achieving reuse. Here we are least dealing with the way things actually happen in the world as opposed to programmer abstractions such as objects or components. That combined with the looser coupling of services gives me some hope.

The reason why frameworks like .NET are successful is they reflect years and years of experience with programming problems. Many examples of reuse (such as file systems and compilers) are so embedded in our experience that we no longer see them for what they are.

Reuse may fail here as well for all the reasons mentioned in David Chappell's analysis. At least now I feel we are on the right track.

9/29/2006 5:00:37 PM (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00) | Comments [0] | All | SOA#
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